* Any sex related content posted, you will be banned with no warning.
* Breaking the rule number 6, also means you can get banned.
1. Do not spam, insult, make stupid subjects or use offending usernames;
2. Do not advertise other servers or forums;
3. Do not ask about Server Status in any Forum.
4. Use the Search Engine before you start a new thread, to make sure not to repeat the same subject;
5. Think before you post, and put your threads into the correct Sub-Forum;
6. Do not use any language besides english outside of the International Area;
7. Try to use obejective post-titles. Like, instead of using "HELP PLX" subject, use "Im stuck on loading screen, help plx" or any other kind of problem you have;
8. Try not to use Caps on your post title.
9. Don't make double post (2 or more post followed), if you forget add something, you can use "Edit" Button, if someone reply, you can post again.
Moderators will enforce the Forum Rules and apply punishment according to their own judgement. Complaints are to be posted in Reports Forum.
Even agreeing to any post that is in any way racist or discriminating can get you banned from forum and ingame.